
High-energy Neutron-induced Fission Cross Sections of Natural Lead and Bismuth-209

The CERN Neutron Time-Of-Flight (n\_TOF) facility is well suited to measure small neutron-induced fission cross sections, as those of subactinides. The cross section ratios of (nat)Pb and (209)Bi relative to (235)U and (238)U were measured using PPAC detectors. The fragment coincidence method allows...

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Autores principales: Tarrio, D, Plukis, A, Carrapico, C, Eleftheriadis, C, Leeb, H, Calvino, F, Herrera-Martinez, A, Savvidis, I, Vlachoudis, V, Haas, B, Koehler, P, Vannini, G, Oshima, M, Le Naour, C, Gramegna, F, Wiescher, M, Pigni, M T, Audouin, L, Mengoni, A, Quesada, J, Becvar, F, Plag, R, Cennini, P, Mosconi, M, Rauscher, T, Couture, A, Capote, R, Sarchiapone, L, Vlastou, R, Domingo-Pardo, C, Dillmann, I, Pavlopoulos, P, Karamanis, D, Krticka, M, Jericha, E, Ferrari, A, Martinez, T, Trubert, D, Oberhummer, H, Karadimos, D, Plompen, A, Isaev, S, Terlizzi, R, Cortes, G, Cox, J, Cano-Ott, D, Pretel, C, Colonna, N, Berthoumieux, E, Vaz, P, Heil, M, Lopes, I, Lampoudis, C, Walter, S, Calviani, M, Gonzalez-Romero, E, Embid-Segura, M, Stephan, C, Igashira, M, Papachristodoulou, C, Aerts, G, Tavora, L, Berthier, B, Rudolf, G, Andrzejewski, J, Villamarin, D, Ferreira-Marques, R, Tain, J L, O'Brien, S, Reifarth, R, Kadi, Y, Neves, F, Poch, A, Kerveno, M, Rubbia, C, Lazano, M, Dahlfors, M, Wisshak, K, Salgado, J, Dridi, W, Ventura, A, Andriamonje, S, Assimakopoulos, P, Santos, C, Voss, F, Ferrant, L, Patronis, N, Chiaveri, E, Guerrero, C, Perrot, L, Vicente, M C, Lindote, A, Praena, J, Baumann, P, Kappeler, F, Rullhusen, P, Furman, W, David, S, Marrone, S, Tassan-Got, L, Gunsig, F, Alvarez-Velarde, F, Massimi, C, Mastinu, P, Pancin, J, Papadopoulos, C, Tagliente, G, Haight, R, Chepel, V, Kossionides, E, Badurek, G, Marganiec, J, Lukic, S, Pavlik, A, Goncalves, I, Duran, I, Alvarez, H, Abbondanno, U, Fujii, K, Milazzo, P M, Moreau, C
Publicado: 2011
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