
The LHCb VELO upgrade

The LHCb experiment at the LHC plans to massively increase its data taking capabilities by running at a higher luminosity with a fully upgraded detector around 2016. This scheme is independent of (but compatible with) the plans for the SLHC upgrades. The silicon detector will be upgraded to provide...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Collins, P, Gersabeck, M, Poikela, T, Crossley, M, Kucharczyk, M, Whitehead, M, Dumps, R, Mountain, R, Artuso, M, Rodrigues, E, Tlustos, L, Papadelis, A, Buytaert, J, Blusk, S, Parkes, C, Xing, Z, Eklund, L, Coco, V, Michel, T, Campbell, M, Bowcock, T J V, Wang, J C, Akiba, K, Gligorov, V, Huse, T, Llin, L F, Gandelman, M, Plackett, R, Esperante, D, Maneuski, D, Bayer, F, Llopart, X, Alexander, M, Gallas, A, Nichols, M, van Beuzekom, M G, John, M
Publicado: 2011
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