
Impact of the Voltage Transients after a Fast Power Abort on the Quench Detection System in the LHC Main Dipole Chain

A Fast Power Abort in the LHC superconducting main dipole circuit consists in the switch-off of the power converter and the opening of the two energy-extraction switches. Each energy-extraction unit is composed of redundant electromechanical breakers, which are opened to force the current through an...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Ravaioli, E, Dahlerup-Petersen, k, Formenti, F, Montabonnet, V, Pojer, M, Schmidt, R, Siemko, A, Solfaroli Camillocci, A, Steckert, J, Thiesen, H, Verweij, A
Publicado: 2012
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