
Collective effects in the LHC and its injectors

Operation during 4-8 hours at a constant luminosity of five times the nominal one (with “leveling”) is required for the CERN HL-(High Luminosity)-LHC project* to be able to reach integrated luminosities of ~ 250 fb-1 per year and ~ 3 ab-1 twelve years after the upgrade. This means that the potential...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Metral, E, Arduini, G, Assmann, R, Bartosik, H, Baudrenghien, P, Bohl, T, Bruning, O, Buffat, X, Damerau, H, Fartoukh, S, Gilardoni, S, Goddard, B, Hancock, S, Herr, W, Hofle, W, Mounet, N, Papaphilippou, Y, Pieloni, T, Rumolo, G, Salvant, B, Shaposhnikova, E, Zimmermann, F, Burov, A
Publicado: 2012
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