
Status and Future Perspectives of the HIE-Isolde Project at CERN

The High Intensity and Energy (HIE)-ISOLDE project aims at several important upgrades of the present ISOLDE radioactive beam facility at CERN. The main focus lies in the energy upgrade of the post-accelerated radionuclide beams from 3 MeV/u up to 10 MeV/u through the addition of superconducting cavi...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Kadi, Y, Bernardes, A P, Blumenfeld, Y, Calatroni, S, Catherall, R, Fraser, M A, Goddard, B, Parchet, D, Siesling, E, Venturini Delsolaro, W, Voulot, D, Williams, L R
Publicado: 2012
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