
Tracking Performance of the Proposed Inner Tracker Layout for the ATLAS Phase-II Upgrade

One of the main activitites in the ATLAS Phase-II upgrade, scheduled for 2022 and 2023, will be the replacement of the entire Inner Detector with a new, all-silicon Inner Tracker (ITk). This note summarises the results of the tracking performance simulation studies of the ITk benchmark layout

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Burdin, S, Cornelissen, T, Debenedetti, C, Elles, S, Elsing, M, Gavrilenko, I, Hessey, N, Huettmann, A, Korn, A, Miglioranzi, S, Lisovyi, M, Maettig, P, Schaelicke, A, Salzburger, A, Selbach, K, Styles, N, Soldevila, U, Todorov, T, Tseng, J, Valencic, N, Vankov, P, Wells, P
Publicado: 2013
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