
Linac4 45 keV Proton Beam Measurements

Linac4 is a 160 MeV normal-conducting H- linear accelerator, which will replace the 50 MeV proton Linac2 as injector for the CERN proton complex. Commissioning of the low energy part - comprising the H - source, a 45 keV Low Energy Beam Transport line (LEBT), a 3 MeV Radiofrequency Quadrupole...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Bellodi, G, Dimov, V A, Hein, L M, Lallement, J-B, Lombardi, A M, Midttun, O, Scrivens, R, Posocco, P A
Publicado: 2013
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