
Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 3. Higgs Properties: Report of the LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group

This Report summarizes the results of the activities in 2012 and the first half of 2013 of the LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group. The main goal of the working group was to present the state of the art of Higgs Physics at the LHC, integrating all new results that have appeared in the last few yea...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Heinemeyer, S, Mariotti, C, Passarino, G, Tanaka, R, Andersen, J R, Artoisenet, P, Bagnaschi, E A, Banfi, A, Becher, T, Bernlochner, F U, Bolognesi, S, Bolzoni, P, Boughezal, R, Buarque, D, Campbell, J, Caola, F, Carena, M, Cascioli, F, Chanon, N, Cheng, T, Choi, S Y, David, A, de Aquino, P, Degrassi, G, Del Re, D, Denner, A, van Deurzen, H, Diglio, S, Di Micco, B, Di Nardo, R, Dittmaier, S, Dührssen, M, Ellis, R K, Ferrera, G, Fidanza, N, Flechl, M, de Florian, D, Forte, S, Frederix, R, Frixione, S, Gangal, S, Gao, Y, Garzelli, M V, Gillberg, D, Govoni, P, Grazzini, M, Greiner, N, Griffiths, J, Gritsan, A V, Grojean, C, Hall, D C, Hays, C, Harlander, R, Hernandez-Pinto, R, Höche, S, Huston, J, Jubb, T, Kadastik, M, Kallweit, S, Kardos, A, Kashif, L, Kauer, N, Kim, H, Klees, R, Krämer, M, Krauss, F, Laureys, A, Laurila, S, Lehti, S, Li, Q, Liebler, S, Liu, X, Logan, E, Luisoni, G, Malberti, M, Maltoni, F, Mawatari, K, Maierhoefer, F, Mantler, H, Martin, S, Mastrolia, P, Mattelaer, O, Mazzitelli, J, Mellado, B, Melnikov, K, Meridiani, P, Miller, D J, Mirabella, E, Moch, S O, Monni, P, Moretti, N, Mück, A, Mühlleitner, M, Musella, P, Nason, P, Neu, C, Neubert, M, Oleari, C, Olsen, J, Ossola, G, Peraro, T, Peters, K, Petriello, F, Piacquadio, G, Potter, C T, Pozzorini, S, Prokofiev, K, Puljak, I, Rauch, M, Rebuzzi, D, Reina, L, Rietkerk, R, Rizzi, A, Rotstein-Habarnau, Y, Salam, G P, Sborlini, G, Schissler, F, Schönherr, M, Schulze, M, Schumacher, M, Siegert, F, Slavich, P, Smillie, J M, Stål, O, von Soden-Fraunhofen, J F, Spira, M, Stewart, I W, Tackmann, F J, Taylor, P T E, Tommasini, D, Thompson, J, Thorne, R S, Torrielli, P, Tramontano, F, Tran, N V, Trócsányi, Z, Ubiali, M, Vazquez Acosta, M, Vickey, T, Vicini, A, Waalewijn, W J, Wackeroth, D, Wagner, C, Walsh, J R, Wang, J, Weiglein, G, Whitbeck, A, Williams, C, Yu, J, Zanderighi, G, Zanetti, M, Zaro, M, Zerwas, P M, Zhang, C, Zirke, T J E, Zuberi, S
Publicado: 2013
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