
Preparing the ALICE DAQ upgrade

In November 2009, after 15 years of design and installation, the ALICE experiment started to detect and record the first collisions produced by the LHC. It has been collecting hundreds of millions of events ever since with both proton and heavy ion collisions. The future scientific programme of ALIC...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Carena, F, Carena, W, Chapeland, S, Chibante Barroso, V, Costa, F, Denes, E, Divia, R, Fuchs, U, Grigore, A, Kiss, T, Rauch, W, Rubin, G, Simonetti, G, Soos, C, Telesca, A, Vande Vyvre, P, Von Haller, B
Publicado: 2012
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