
Investigations of the LHC Emittance Blow-Up During the 2012 Proton Run

About 30 % of the potential luminosity performance is lost through the different phases of the LHC cycle, mainly due to transverse emittance blow-up. Measuring the emittance growth is a difficult task with high intensity beams and changing energies. Improvements of the LHC transverse profile instrum...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Kuhn, M, Arduini, G, Baudrenghien, P, Emery, J, Guerrero, A, Hofle, W, Kain, V, Lamont, M, Mastoridis, T, Roncarolo, F, Sapinski, M, Schaumann, M, Steinhagen, R, Trad, G, Valuch, D
Publicado: 2013
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