
Event display of a 4-muon candidate in the ATLAS detector

Event display of a 4mu candidate. EventNumber: 71902630 RunNumber: 204769 m_4l=125.1 GeV. m_12=86.3 GeV, m_34=31.6 GeV. mu_1: pt=36.1 GeV, eta=1.29, phi=1.33. mu_2: pt=47.5 GeV, eta=0.69, phi=-1.65. mu_3: pt=26.4 GeV, eta=0.47, phi=-2.51. mu_4: pt=71.7 GeV, eta=1.85, phi=1.65.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor principal: ATLAS, Collaboration
Publicado: 2012
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