
Protection of the 6 T YBCO insert in the 13 T Nb$_{3}$Sn Fresca II dipole

In the EuCARD project, we aim to construct a dipole magnet in YBCO producing 6 T in the background field of a 13 T Nb$_{3}$Sn dipole FRESCA II. This paper reviews the quench analysis and protection of the YBCO coil. In addition, a recommendation for the protection system of the YBCO coil is presente...

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Autores principales: Stenvall, A., Haro, E., Fazilleau, Ph., Devaux, M., Durante, M., Lecrevisse, T., Rey, J. -M., Fleiter, J., Sorbi, M., Volpini, G., Tixador, P.
Publicado: 2014
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