
Beam Test Studies of 3D Pixel Sensors Irradiated Non-Uniformly for the ATLAS Forward Physics Detector

Pixel detectors with cylindrical electrodes that penetrate the silicon substrate (so called 3D detectors) oer advantages over standard planar sensors in terms of radiation hardness, since the electrode distance is decoupled from the bulk thickness. In recent years significant progress has been made...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Grinstein,S, Baselga,M, Boscardin,M, Christophersen, M, Da Via, C, Dalla Betta, G.F, Darbo,G, Fadeyev,V, Fleta,C, Gemme,C, Grenier,P, Jimenez,A, Lopez,I, Micelli,A, Nelist,C, Parker,S, Pellegrini,G, Phlips, B, Pohl,D.-L, Sadrozinski,H.F.-W, Sicho,P, Tsiskaridze, S
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Publicado: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 2013
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