
Low-background X-ray detection with Micromegas for axion research

We have studied low-background techniques in order to improve the background level for Micromegas detectors. These detectors are good candidates for rare event searches thanks to the low mass and the radiopurity of the materials used in the construction; moreover they have good discrimination capabi...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Garcia, J A, Dafni, T, Diago, A, Ferrer-Ribas, E, Galán, J, Gardikiotis, A, Giomataris, I, Garza, J G, Iguaz, F J, Irastorza, I G, Ortega, I, Papaevangelou, T, Rodríguez, A, Tomás, A, Vafeiadis, T, Yildiz, S C
Publicado: 2013
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