
LIU: which beams in the injectors fulfill HL-LHC upgrade scenario 1 goals?

This paper summarizes the current understanding of the issues to be addressed in the injectors in order to fulfill the requirements of the HL-LHC in the framework of the upgrade scenario 1. The required beam parameters in the different accelerators are outlined, and the relevant performance limitati...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Gilardoni, S, Arduini, G, Bartmann, W, Bartosik, H, Bruning, O, Damerau, H, Garoby, R, Goddard, B, Hancock, S, Hanke, K, Iadarola, G, Meddahi, M, Mikulec, B, Rumolo, G, Shaposhnikova, E, Sterbini, G, Wasef, R
Publicado: CERN 2014
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