
Ultrascale+ for the new ATLAS calorimeter trigger board dedicated to jet identification

To cope with the expected increase in luminosity at the Large Hadron Collider in 2021, the ATLAS collaboration is planning a major detector upgrade to be installed during Long Shutdown 2. As a part of this, the Level 1 trigger, based on calorimeter data, will be upgraded to exploit the fine granular...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Vieira De Souza, Julio, Bauss, Bruno, Brogna, Andrea Salvatore, Buescher, Volker, Degele, Reinold, Herr, Holger, Kahra, Christian, Rave, Stefan, Rocco, Elena, Schaefer, Uli, Schaeffer, Jan, Ta, Duc Bao, Weirich, Marcel
Publicado: 2018
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