
Alternative approach to populate and study the $^{229}$Th nuclear clock isomer

A new approach to observe the radiative decay of the $^{229}$Th nuclear isomer, and to determine its energy and radiative lifetime, is presented. Situated at a uniquely low excitation energy, this nuclear state might be a key ingredient for the development of a nuclear clock or a nuclear laser and,...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Verlinde, M., Kraemer, S., Moens, J., Chrysalidis, K., Correia, J.G., Cottenier, S., De Witte, H., Fedorov, D.V., Fedosseev, V.N., Ferrer, R., Fraile, L.M., Geldhof, S., Granados, C.A., Laatiaoui, M., Lima, T.A.L., Lin, P.C., Manea, V., Marsh, B.A., Moore, I., Pereira, L.M.C., Raeder, S., Van den Bergh, P., Van Duppen, P., Vantomme, A., Verstraelen, E., Wahl, U., Wilkins, S.G.
Publicado: 2019
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