
The baryo-quarkonium picture for hidden-charm and bottom pentaquarks and LHCb $P_{\rm c}(4380)$ and $P_{\rm c}(4450)$ states

We study baryo-charmonium [ ηc - and J/ψ - N⁎ , ηc(2S) -, ψ(2S) - and χc(1P) - N ] and baryo-bottomonium [ ηb(2S) -, ϒ(2S) - and χb(1P) - N ] bound states, where N is the nucleon and N⁎ a nucleon resonance. In the baryo-quarkonium model, the five qqqQQ¯ quarks are arranged in terms of a heavy quarko...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Ferretti, J., Santopinto, E., Naeem Anwar, M., Bedolla, M.A.
Publicado: 2018
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