
Storage Rings and Gravitational Waves: Summary and Outlook

We report some highlights from the ARIES APEC workshop on ``Storage Rings and Gravitational Waves'' (SRGW2021), held in virtual space from 2 February to 18 March 2021, and sketch a tentative landscape for using accelerators and associated technologies for the detection or generation of gra...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Berlin, A., Brüggen, M., Buchmueller, O., Chen, P., D'Agnolo, R.T., Deng, R., Ellis, J.R., Ellis, S., Franchetti, G., Ivanov, A., Jowett, J.M., Kobushkin, A.P., Lee, S.Y., Liske, J., Oide, K., Rao, S., Wenninger, J., Wellenzohn, M., Zanetti, M., Zimmermann, F.
Publicado: 2021
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