
Formation of a Bistable Interstitial Complex in Irradiated p‐Type Silicon

The influence of the injection of minority charge carriers on the formation of adivalent bistable defect (DBH) having two energy levels of $E_v + 0.44$ eV and $E_v + 0.53$ eV in its metastable configuration is investigated. Using forward cur-rent injection, the formation temperature of this defect...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Makarenko, Leonid F, Lastovski, Stanislav B, Yakushevich, Hanna S, Gaubas, Eugenijus, Pavlov, Jevgenij, Kozlovski, Vitali V, Moll, Michael, Pintilie, Ioana
Publicado: 2019
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