
Recent BDSIM Related Developments and Modeling of Accelerators

Beam Delivery Simulation (BDSIM) is a program based on Geant4 that creates 3D radiation transport models of accelerators from a simple optical description in a vastly reduced time frame with great flexibility. It also uses ROOT and CLHEP to create a single simulation model that can accurately track...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Nevay, Laurence J, Abramov, Andrey, Alden, Siobhan E, Boogert, Stewart T, D'Alessandro, Gian Luigi, Gibson, Stephen M, Gnacadja, Eustache, Hernalsteens, Cédric, Lefebvre, Helena, Liu, Shan L, Ramoisiaux, Eliott, Shields, William, Tesse, Robin, Walker, Stuart D
Publicado: JACoW 2021
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