
Deployment and Commissioning of the CERN PS Injection Kicker System for Operation with 2 GeV Beams in Short Circuit Mode

Within the framework of the LHC Injector Upgrade (LIU) project, the feasibility and design of an upgrade of the existing CERN PS proton injection kicker system have been outlined in previous publications already. This paper describes the adjustments of final design choices, testing, and deployment a...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Kramer, Thomas, Ayala Cintas, Nuria, Borburgh, Jan, Burkel, Peter, Carlier, Etienne, Ducimetière, Laurent, Feliciano, Luís M C, Ferrero Colomo, Álvaro, Fraser, Matthew A, Govertsen, Leif A, Noulibos, Remy, Pavis, Steven, Sermeus, Luc
Publicado: JACoW 2021
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