
GEANT4-based calibration of an organic liquid scintillator

A light-yield calibration of an NE 213A organic liquid scintillator detector has been performed using both monoenergetic and polyenergetic gamma-ray sources. Scintillation light was detected in a photomultiplier tube, and the corresponding pulses were subjected to waveform digitization on an event-b...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Mauritzson, N., Fissum, K.G., Perrey, H., Annand, J.R.M., Frost, R.J.W., Hall-Wilton, R., Al Jebali, R., Kanaki, K., Maulerova-Subert, V., Messi, F., Rofors, E.
Publicado: 2021
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