
Versatile Link$^{+}$ transceiver production

The Versatile Link$^{+}$ project targeting the Phase 2 HL-LHC detector upgrades is entering the production phase. After several years of prototyping, the industrialisation of the Versatile Link$^{+}$ Transceiver (VTRx$^{+}$) was launched in 2021 and the production is scheduled to start in 2022. We d...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Soós, C, Bergin, D E, Detraz, S, Lalović, M, Marcon, L, Olanterä, L, Prousalidi, T, Sandven, U, Scarcella, C, Sigaud, C, Troska, J
Publicado: 2023
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