
Latest results of Longevity studies on the present CMS RPC system for HL-LHC phase

The present Compact Muon Solenoid Resistive Plate Chambers system has been worked efficiently during Run I and Run II of data taking period (Shah et al., 2020) [1]. In the coming years of operation with the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), the expected rate and integrated charge are expected to be abou...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Aly, R, Eysermans, J, Samalan, A, Tytgat, M, El Sawy, M, Alves, G A, Marujo, F, Coelho, E A, Da Costa, E M, Nogima, H, Santoro, A, De Souza, S Fonseca, De Jesus Damiao, D, Thiel, M, Mota Amarilo, K, Filho, M Barroso Ferreira, Aleksandrov, A, Hadjiiska, R, Iaydjiev, P, Rodozov, M, Shopova, M, Soultanov, G, Dimitrov, A, Litov, L, Pavlov, B, Petkov, P, Petrov, A, Shumka, E, Qian, S J, Kou, H, Liu, Z -A, Zhao, J, Song, J, Hou, Q, Diao, W, Cao, P, Avila, C, Barbosa, D, Cabrera, A, Florez, A, Fraga, J, Reyes, J, Assran, Y, Mahmoud, M A, Mohammed, Y, Crotty, I, Laktineh, I, Grenier, G, Gouzevitch, M, Mirabito, L, Shchablo, K, Bagaturia, I, Lomidze, I, Tsamalaidze, Z, Amoozegar, V, Boghrati, B, Ebraimi, M, Mohammadi Najafabadi, M, Zareian, E, Abbrescia, M, Iaselli, G, Pugliese, G, Loddo, F, De Filippis, N, Ramos, D, Elmetenawee, W, Leszki, S, Margjeka, I, Paesani, D, Benussi, L, Bianco, S, Piccolo, D, Meola, S, Buontempo, S, Carnevali, F, Lista, L, Paolucci, P, Fienga, F, Braghieri, A, Salvini, P, Montagna, P, Riccardi, C, Vitulo, P, Asilar, E, Choi, J, Kim, T J, Choi, S Y, Hong, B, Lee, K S, Oh, H Y, Goh, J, Yu, I, Estrada, C Uribe, Pedraza, I, Castilla-Valdez, H, Sanchez-Hernandez, A, Fernandez, R L, Ramirez-Garcia, M, Vazquez, E, Shah, M A, Zaganidis, N, Radi, A, Hoorani, H, Muhammad, S, Ahmad, A, Asghar, I, Khan, W A, Da Silva De Araujo, F Torres
Publicado: 2023
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