
The high voltage system of the novel MPGD-based photon detectors of COMPASS RICH-1 and its development towards a scalable High Voltage Power Supply System for MPGDs

The COMPASS RICH-1 detector has undergone a major upgrade in 2016 with the installation of four novel MPGD-based photon detectors. They consist of large-size hybrid MPGDs with multi-layer architecture composed of two layers of Thick-GEMs and bulk resistive MicroMegas. A dedicated high voltage power...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Bressan, A, Carrato, S, Chatterjee, C, Cicuttin, A, Crespo, M L, D'Ago, D, Dalla Torre, S, Dasgupta, S, Ballina E , M G, Florian S , W, Ordóñez, L García, Gregori, M, Hamar, G, Kosoveu, A, Levorato, S, Mannatunga, K, Martin, A, Tessarotto, F, Triloki, Valinoti, B
Publicado: 2023
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