
First results from a second generation galactic axion experiment

We report first results from a large scale search for dark matter axions. The experiment probes axion masses of 1.3-13 micro-eV at a sensitivity which is about 50 times higher than previous pilot experiments. We have already scanned part of this mass range at a sensitivity better than required to se...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Hagmann, C A, Kinion, D S, Stoeffl, W, Van Bibber, K, Daw, E J, McBride, J, Peng, H, Rosenberg, L J, Xin, H, La Veigne, J D, Sikivie, P, Sullivan, N, Tanner, D B, Moltz, D M, Nezrick, F A, Turner, M, Golubev, N A, Kravchuk, L V
Publicado: 1996
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