
The Megapixel EBCCD: a high-resolution imaging tube sensitive to single photons

A hybrid image-intensifier tube, suitable for extremely low-light imaging, has been tested. This device is based on an Electron-Bombarded CCD chip (EBCCD) with $1024 \times 1024$ sensitive pixe ls. The tube, which has a photocathode diameter of 40 mm, is gateable and zoomable, with an image magnific...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Buontempo, S, Chiodi, G, Dalinenko, I N, Ereditato, A, Ekimov, A V, Fabre, Jean-Paul, Fedorov, V Yu, Frenkel, A, Galeazzi, F, Garufi, F, Golovkin, S V, Govorun, V N, Kalashnikova, N N, Kosov, V G, Kozarenko, E N, Kreslo, I E, Lasovsky, L Y, Liberti, B, Malyarov, A V, Martellotti, G, Medvedkov, A M, Penso, G, Vishnevski, G I, Wolff, T, Zhuk, A
Publicado: 1998
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