
Present State of the Single and Twin Aperture Short Dipole Model Program for the LHC

The LHC model program for main dipoles is based on the design, fabrication and testing at CERN of a number of single and twin aperture 1m long magnets. So far, a number of single aperture models, each with specific characteristics, were tested at 2 K at a rate of about one per month. These magnets a...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Andreyev, N I, Artoos, K, Kurtyka, T, Leroy, D, Oberli, L R, Perini, D, Russenschuck, Stephan, Siegel, N, Siemko, A, Tommasini, D, Vanenkov, I, Walckiers, L, Weterings, W
Publicado: 1998
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