
Space charge in ionization detectors and the NA48 electromagnetic calorimeter

The subject of space charge due to positive ions slowly moving in parallel plate ionization chambers is considered. A model for the degradation of the detector response is developed, with particular emphasis on electromagnetic calorimeters. The topics discussed include: (a) the stationary and (b) th...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Palestini, S, Barr, Giles David, Ceccucci, Augusto, Cogan, J, Cundy, Donald C, Fischer, G, Funk, W, Gianoli, A, Gonidec, A, Govi, G, Kubischta, Werner, Luitz, S, Norton, Alan Robert, Schinzel, D, Velasco, M, Vossnack, O, Wahl, H, Kekelidze, V D, Tatishvili, G T, Tkachev, A L, Formica, A, Frabetti, P L, Martini, M, Chollet, J C, Crépé, S, Fayard, Louis, Iconomidou-Fayard, L, Ocariz, J, Unal, G, Calafiura, P, Cerri, C, Cirilli, M, Costantini, F, Fantechi, R, Giudici, Sergio, Gorini, B, Mannelli, I, Sozzi, M, Biino, C, Mikulec, I
Publicado: 1998
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