
$D^{*\pm}$ production in 350 GeV/c $\pi^{-}$-N interactions

We report measurements of ${\rm D}^{*\pm}$ production in interactions between $350\,{\rm GeV/}c$ $\pi^-$ particles and nuclei. Reconstruction of the decay ${\rm D}^{*+} \rightarrow {\rm D}^0 \pi^+$ and charge conjugate, with ${\rm D}^0$ identified via its decays to ${\rm K}^- \pi^+$ and ${\rm K}^- \...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Adinolfi, M, Alexandrov, Yu A, Angelini, C, Barberis, D, Cardini, A, Ceradini, F, Dameri, M, Darbo, G, Duane, A, Flaminio, Vincenzo, French, Bernard R, Frenkel, A, Gemme, C, Harrison, K, Hurst, R B, Lazzeroni, C, Malferrari, L, Martellotti, G, Mazzanti, P, Netchaeva, P, Osculati, B, Penso, G, Rossi, L, Verzocchi, M, Websdale, David M, Zavertyaev, M V
Publicado: 1999
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