
Charge collection efficiency of irradiated silicon detectors operated at cryogenic temperatures

The charge collection efficiency (CCE) of heavily irradiated silicon diode detectors was investigated at temperatures between 77 and 200 K. The CCE was found to depend on the radiation dose, bias voltage value and history, temperature, and bias current generated by light. The detector irradiated to...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Borer, K, Janos, S, Palmieri, V G, Dezillie, B, Li, Z, Collins, P, Niinikoski, T O, Lourenço, C, Sonderegger, P, Borchi, E, Bruzzi, Mara, Pirollo, S, Granata, V, Pagano, S, Chapuy, S, Dimcovski, Zlatomir, Grigoriev, E, Bell, W, Devine, S R H, O'Shea, V, Smith, K, Berglund, P, de Boer, Wim, Hauler, F, Heising, S, Jungermann, L, Casagrande, L, Cindro, V, Mikuz, M, Zavrtanik, M, Da Vià, C, Esposito, A P, Konorov, I, Paul, S, Schmitt, L, Buontempo, S, D'Ambrosio, N, Ruggiero, G, Eremin, V V, Verbitskaya, E
Publicado: 1999
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