
A radio frequency quadrupole ion beam buncher for ISOLTRAP

ISOLTRAP is a Penning trap spectrometer at the on-line mass separator ISOLDE at CERN for the mass determination of radioisotopes. It consists of three electromagnetic traps in tandem; a Paul trap for ISOLDE beam collection, a Penning trap for cooling and purification and a high-precision Penning tra...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Bollen, G, Dilling, J, Dezfuli, A M G, Henry, S, Herfurth, F, Kellerbauer, A G, Kim, T, Kluge, H J, Kohl, A, Lamour, E, Lunney, M D, Moore, R B, Quint, W, Schwarz, S, Varfalvy, P, Vermeeren, L
Publicado: 1998
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