
Measurement of the $\overline{p}p \to K_S K_S \eta$ cross section at beam momenta in the regions of 1.45 and 1.7 GeV/c

The PS185 experiment at LEAR/CERN has investigated strangeness production in antiproton-proton collisions with final states such as $\overline{\Lambda} \Lambda$, $\overline{\Sigma}^0 \Lambda + c.c$, $\overline{\Sigma^+} \Sigma^+$, $\overline{\Sigma^-} \Sigma^-$ and $K_S K_S$. Results are presented f...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Barnes, P.D., Bunker, B., Dennert, H., Eisenstein, R.A., Eyrich, W., Fischer, H., Franklin, G., Franz, J., Geyer, R., Harris, P., Hauffe, J., Hertzog, D., Johansson, T., Jones, T., Kilian, K., Oelert, W., Pomp, S., Quinn, B., Röhrich, K., Rössle, E., Sachs, K., Schmitt, H., Sefzick, T., Seydoux, J., Stinzing, F., Tayloe, R., Todenhagen, R., Traneus, E., Wirth, S.
Publicado: 2001
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