An alignment method for the ATLAS end-cap TRT detector using a narrow monochromatic X-ray beam

The end-cap transition radiation tracker (TRT), consisting of 36 modules (wheels), is being constructed as a part of the ATLAS Inner Detector at the CERN LHC. This paper describes a method for determining the wire positions inside the straw proportional tubes (SPT), which are the basic building bloc...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Åkesson, T, Danielsson, H, Dixon, N, Dolgoshein, B A, Eerola, Paule Anna Mari, Farthouat, Philippe, Fedin, O, Froidevaux, Daniel, Gavrilenko, I, Hajduk, Z, Hauviller, Claude, Ivanov, V, Ivochkin, V G, Jelamkov, A, Konovalov, S V, Lichard, P, Lundberg, B, Muraviev, S, Nadtochy, A, Nevski, P, Peshekhonov, V D, Platonov, Yu P, Price, M, Romaniouk, A, Shchegelskii, V, Shmeleva, A, Smirnov, A, Smirnov, S, Sosnovtsev, V V
Publicado: 2001
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