
Magnetic moments of $^{68}$Cu$^{g,m}$ and $^{70}$Cu$^{g,m_{1},m_{2}}$ nuclei measured by in-source laser spectroscopy

We have obtained information on the atomic hyperfine splitting and, hence, on magnetic moments in neutron rich $^{68, 70}$Cu isotopes by scanning the frequency of the narrow-band laser of the first excitation step in the resonance ionization laser ion source. The deduced magnetic moments are $\mu( ^...

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Autores principales: Weissman, L, Köster, U, Catherall, R, Franchoo, S, Georg, U, Jonsson, O, Fedosseev, V, Mishin, V I, Seliverstov, D M, Van Roosbroeck, J, Gheysen, S, Huyse, M, Kruglov, K, Neyens, G, Van Duppen, P
Publicado: 2001
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