
COMPASS COmmon Muon and Proton Apparatus for Structure and Spectroscopy

%NA58 %title\\ \\COMPASS is a new fixed target experiment at the SPS to study hadron spectroscopy with hadron beams (up to 300~GeV/c) and hadron structure with polarized muon beams (100-200~GeV/c).\\ \\The main physics objective of the muon beam program is the measurement of $\Delta$G, the gluon pol...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Ciliberti, P, Gregori, M, Badelek, B M, Marukyan, H, Hoghmrtsyan, A, Meyer, W P, Kouznetsov, O, Samoylenko, V, Zvyagintsev, S, Finger, M, Virius, M, Jandek, M, Miyachi, Y, Doshita, N, Joo, K, Kim, A, Klimenko, V, Zaremba, K, Thiel, A, Chang, W, Chumakov, A, Panzieri, D, Tessaro, S, Marques quintans, C, Borgwarth, J C, Ostrick, M, Kunne, F, Bedfer, Y, Sandacz, A, Anosov, V, Akhunzyanov, R, Liska, T, Konorov, I, Duennweber, W, Iwata, T, Horikawa, K, Marzec, J, Ketzer, B F, Lin, P, Lyubovitsky, V, Denisov, O, Parsamyan, B, Martin, A, Stolarski, M, Zavertyaev, M, Lichtenstadt, J, Gavrishchuk, O, Verkheev, A, Khaustov, G, Khokhlov, I, Bradamante, F, Zemko, M, Haas, P, Eichhorn, K, Ziembicki, M K, Beck, R, Suzuki, H, Rai, R, Menezes pires, C, Alexeev, G, Zemlyanichkina, E, Mann, A B, Hayward, T B, Riedl, C K, Andrieux, V, Dhara, L, Das, S, Sarkar, S, Dusaev, R, Tosello, F, Giordano, D, Movsisyan, A, Kabuss, E, Augustyniak, W J, Chirikov-zorin, I, Guskov, A, Nikolaenko, V, Kolosov, V, Grube, B, Gautheron, F B, Kurjata, R P, Joosten, R, Sulc, M, Srnka, A, Hsieh, C, Chiosso, M, Bressan, A, Rinaldi, L, Crespo, M L, Cicuttin, A, Makke, N, Chatterjee, C, Kotzinian, A, Fischer, H, Platchkov, S K, D'hose, N, Kurek, K, Sznajder, P, Samartsev, A, Anfimov, N, Donskov, S, Poliakov, V, Ryabchikov, D, Novy, J, Friedrich, J M, Losekamm, M J, Steffen, D, Trotta, N L, Peng, J, Longo, R, Matsuda, T, Dasgupta, S S, Amoroso, A, Menon, G, Reicherz, G A, Neyret, D, Olshevskiy, A, Pontecorvo, G, Gushterski, R I, Capobianco, R A, Schmieden, H, Sinha, L, Pretz, J J, Tessarotto, F, Levorato, S, Mallot, G, Pochodzalla, J G, Tkachev, L, Paul, S, Diehl, S, Klein, F R
Publicado: 2002
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