A Solar Axion Search Using a Decommissioned LHC Test Magnet

<!--HTML-->Previous solar axion searches have been carried out in Brookhaven (1990) and in Tokyo (2000- ), tracking the Sun with a dipole magnet. QCD inspired axions should be produced after the Big Bang, being thus candidates for the <strong>dark matter</strong>. The Sun is a very...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Hasinoff, M D, Garcia irastorza, I, Gardikiotis, A, Dafni, T, Eleftheriadis, C, Anastasopoulos, V, Cetin, S A, Davenport, M, Vogel, J K, Zioutas, K, Vafeiadis, T, Jakovcic, K, Ozbozduman, K, Desch, K K, Schiffer, T, Fischer, H, Cantatore, G, Luzon marco, G M, Mirallas sanchez, H, Ruz armendariz, J, Kaminski, J, Carmona martinez, J M
Publicado: 2002
Acceso en línea:http://cds.cern.ch/record/5791