
Photo-fission for the production of radioactive beams ALTO project

In order to probe neutron rich radioactive noble gases produced by photo-fission, a PARRNe-1 experiment (Production d'Atomes Radioactifs Riches en Neutrons) has been carried out at CERN. The incident electron beam of 50 MeV was delivered by the LIL machine: LEP Injector Linac. The experiment al...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Essabaa, S, Arianer, J, Ausset, P, Bajeat, O, Baronick, J P, Clapier, F, Coacolo, J L, Donzaud, C, Ducourtieux, M, Galas, S, Gardes, D, Grialou, D, Hosni, F, Guillemaud-Müller, D, Ibrahim, F, Junquera, T, Lau, C, Le Blanc, F, Lefort, H, Le Scornet, J C, Lesrel, J, Müller, A C, Obert, J, Perru, O, Potier, J C, Proust, J, Pougheon, F, Roussière, B, Rouvière, N, Sauvage, J, Sorlin, O, Tkatchenko, A, Verney, D, Waast, B, Rinolfi, Louis, Rossat, G, Forkel-Wirth, Doris, Müller, A, Bienvenu, G, Bourdon, J C, Garvey, Terence, Jacquemard, B, Omeich, M
Publicado: 2003
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