
The base-line DataFlow system of the ATLAS Trigger and DAQ

The base-line design and implementation of the ATLAS DAQ DataFlow system is described. The main components realizing the DataFlow system, their interactions, bandwidths and rates are being discussed and performance measurements on a 10% scale prototype for the final Atlas TDAQ DataFlow system are pr...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Beck, H P, Abolins, M, Dos Anjos, A, Barisonzi, M, Beretta, M, Blair, R, Bogaerts, A, Boterenbrood, H, Botterill, David R, Ciobotaru, M, Cortezon, E, Cranfield, R, Crone, G J, Dawson, J, Di Girolamo, B, Dobinson, Robert W, Ermoline, Y, Ferrer, M, Francis, D, Gadomski, S, Gameiro, S, Golonka, P, Gorini, B, Green, B, Gruwé, M, Haas, S, Haeberli, C, Hasegawa, Y, Hauser, R, Hinkelbein, C, Hughes-Jones, R E, Knezo, E, Jansweijer, P, Joos, M, Kaczmarska, A, Kieft, G, Korcyl, K, Kugel, A, Lankford, A, Lehmann, G, Le Vine, M J, Liu, W, Maeno, T, Maia, M, Mapelli, L, Martin, L, McLaren, R, Meirosu, C, Misiejuk, A, Mommsen, R K, Mornacchi, Giuseppe, Müller, M, Nagasaka, Y, Nakayoshi, Y, Papadopoulos, I M, Petersen, J, Pinto, P, Prigent, D, Pérez-Réale, V, Schlereth, J L, Shimojima, M, Spiwoks, R, Stancu, S, Strong, J, Tremblet, L J, Vermeulen, J C, Werner, P, Wickens, F J, Yasu, Y, Yu, M, Zobernig, H, Zurek, M
Publicado: 2003
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