
A Measurement of Lorentz Angle and Spatial Resolution of Radiation Hard Silicon Pixel Sensors

Silicon pixel sensors developed by the ATLAS collaboration to meet LHC requirements and to withstand hadronic irradiation to fluences of up to $10^{15} n_eq/cm^{2}$ have been evaluated using a test beam facility at CERN providing a magnetic field. The Lorentz angle was measured and found to alter fr...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Gorelov, I, Gorfine, G W, Hoeferkamp, M, Seidel, S C, Ciocio, A, Einsweiler, Kevin F, Gilchriese, M G D, Joshi, A, Kleinfelder, S A, Marchesini, R, Milgrome, O, Palaio, N, Pengg, F X, Richardson, J, Zizka, G, Ackers, M, Fischer, P, Keil, M, Meuser, S, Stockmanns, T, Treis, J, Wermes, N, Gössling, C, Hügging, F G, Wüstenfeld, J, Wunstorf, R, Barberis, D, Beccherle, R, Cervetto, M, Darbo, G, Gagliardi, G, Gemme, C, Morettini, P, Netchaeva, P, Osculati, B, Parodi, F, Rossi, L, Dao, K, Fasching, D, Blanquart, L, Breugnon, P, Calvet, D, Clemens, J C, Delpierre, P A, Hallewell, G D, Laugier, D, Mouthuy, T, Rozanov, A N, Trouilleau, C, Valin, I, Aleppo, M, Andreazza, A, Caccia, M, Lari, T, Meroni, C, Ragusa, F, Troncon, C, Vegni, G, Rohe, T, Boyd, G, Severini, H, Skubic, P L, Snow, J, Sícho, P, Tomasek, L, Vrba, V, Holder, M, Lipka, D, Ziolkowski, M, Cauz, D, D'Auria, S, del Papa, C, Grassman, H, Santi, L, Becks, K H, Gerlach, P, Grah, C, Gregor, I, Harenberg, T, Linder, C
Publicado: 2001
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