
The tracker system of the H8 muon test beam

The H8 test beam setup has been equipped with a tracking system, able to reconstruct the track position in the MDT chambers under test with an accuracy of <= 50 microns over a large area. The system consists of two detectors, based on drift tubes. Each detector is made by two multilayers, one for...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Creti, P, Cambiaghi, M, Ferrari, R, Fraternali, M, Gaudio, G, Lanza, A, Livan, M, Moroni, V, Bagnaia, P, Bini, C, Cardini, A, De Cecco, S, De Zorzi, G, Gauzzi, P, Gentile, S, Lacava, F, Pontecorvo, L, Rosati, S, Veneziano, Stefano, Spiriti, E
Publicado: 1999
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