
An R&D programme on alternative technologies for the ATLAS level-1 calorimeter trigger

This note describes a first-level calorimeter trigger processor designed to take advantage of new possibilities that arise as a consequence of modern design techniques and components such as optical interconnections, application specific integrated circuits (ASICs) and multi-chip modules (MCMs). The...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Appelquist, G, Bohm, C, Engström, M, Hellman, S, Holmgren, S O, Johansson, E, Yamdagni, N, Zhao, X, Sundblad, R, Ödmark, A, Bodo, P, Elderstig, H, Hentzell, H, Lindgren, S, Tober, M, Johansson, H, Svensson, C, Yuan, J R, Mohktari, M, Ellis, Nick
Publicado: 1995
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