
Nb$_{3}$Sn quadrupole magnets for the LHC IR

The development of insertion quadrupoles with 205 T/m gradient and 90 mm bore represents a promising strategy to achieve the ultimate luminosity goal of 2.5 * 10/sup 34/ cm/sup -2/s/sup -1/ at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). At present, Nb/sub 3/Sn is the only practical conductor which can meet the...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Sabbi, G L, Caspi, S, Chiesa, L, Coccoli, M, Dietderich, D R, Ferracin, P, Gourlay, S A, Hafalia, R R, Lietzke, A F, McInturff, A D, Scanlan, R M
Publicado: 2003
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