
Direct Mass Measurements on the Superallowed Emitter $^{74}$Rb and its Daughter $^{74}$Kr: Isospin-Symmetry-Breaking Correction for Standard-Model Tests

The decay energy of the superallowed $\beta$-decay $^{74}$Rb($\beta^{+}$)$^{74}$Kr was determined by direct Penning trap mass measurements on both the mother and the daughter nuclide using the time-of-flight resonance technique and found to be $Q = 10416.8(4.5)$ keV. The exotic nuclide $^{74}$Rb, wi...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Kellerbauer, A G, Audi, G, Beck, D, Blaum, K, Bollen, G, Brown, B A, Delahaye, P, Guénaut, C, Herfurth, F, Kluge, H J, Lunney, M D, Schwarz, S, Schweikhard, L, Yazidjian, C
Publicado: 2004
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