
ATLAS Data Challenge 2: A massive Monte Carlo production on the GRID

The study and validation of the ATLAS Computing Model started three years ago and will continue for few years in the context of the so-called Data Chal-lenges (DC). DC1 was conducted during 2002-03; the main goals achieved were to set up the simulation data production infrastructure in a real worldw...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: González de la Hoz, S, Sánchez, J, Lozano, J, Salt, J, Fassi, F, March, L, Adams, D, Deng, W, Nevski, P, Smith, J, Yu, D, Zhao, X, Poulard, G, Goossens, L, Nairz, A, Branco, M, Benekos, N C, Sturrock, R, Walker, R, Vetterli, M, Chudoba, J, Tas, P, Duckeck, G, Kennedy, J, Nielsen, J, Wäänänen, A, Bernardet, K, Negri, G, Rebatto, D, De Salvo, A, Perini, L, Vaccarossa, L, Ould-Saada, F, Read, A, Merino, G, Smirnova, O G, Ellert, M, Quing, D, Brochu, F, Gieraltowski, J, Youssef, S, De, K, Oz-turk, N, Sosebee, M, Severini, H, Gardner, R, Mambeli, M, Smirnov, Y
Publicado: 2005
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