
Cold-Antimatter Physics

The CPT theorem and the Weak Equivalence Principle are foundational principles on which the standard description of the fundamental interactions is based. The validity of such basic principles should be tested using the largest possible sample of physical systems. Cold neutral antimatter (low-energy...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Amoretti, M., Amsler, Claude, Bonomi, G., Bowe, P.D., Canali, C., Carraro, C., Cesar, C.L., Charlton, M., Doser, M., Fontana, A., Fujiwara, M.C., Funakoshi, R., Genova, P., Hangst, J.S., Hayano, R.S., Johnson, I., Jrgensen, L.V., Kellerbauer, A., Lagomarsino, V., Landua, R., Lodi Rizzini, E., Macri, M., Madsen, N., Manuzio, G., Mitchard, D., Montagna, P., Pruys, H., Regenfus, Christian, Rotondi, A., Testera, G., Variola, A., Venturelli, L., van der Werf, D.P., Yamazaki, Y., Zurlo, N.
Publicado: 2005
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