
Beam test calibration of the balloon-borne imaging calorimeter for the CREAM experiment

CREAM (Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass) is a multi-flight balloon mission designed to collect direct data on the elemental composition and individual energy spectra of cosmic rays. Two instrument suites have been built to be flown alternately on a yearly base. The tungsten/Sci-Fi imaging calorimeter...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Marrocchesi, P.S., Ahn, H.S., Bagliesi, M.G., Basti, A., Bigongiari, G., Castellina, A., Ciocci, M.A., Di Virgilio, A., Lomtatze, T., Ganel, O., Kim, K.C., Lee, M.H., Ligabue, F., Lutz, L., Maestro, P., Malinine, A., Meucci, M., Millucci, V., Morsani, F., Seo, E.S., Sina, R., Wu, J., Yoon, Y.S., Zei, R., Zinn, S.-Y.
Publicado: 2005
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