
Study of charged multiplicity distributions in pn interactions at 555, 93 and 146 GeV/c

Uses Argonne, CERN and Brookhaven data to determine pn topological cross sections at incident momenta of 5.55, 9.3 and 14.6 GeV/c. Studies the momentum dependence of the multiplicity distributions. Discusses the properties of the data, which show both a broadening of the multiplicity distribution an...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Fridman, A, Brucker, E B, Gerber, J P, Hunt, W, Juillot, P, Koller, E L, Malko, J A, Michalon, A, Michalon-Mentzer, M E, Plano, R J, Raths, O, Robinson, D K, Sheng, A P, Stamer, P E, Taylor, S, Voltolini, C
Publicado: 1975
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