
The K/sup -/n elastic differential cross section between 12 and 22 GeV/c

The experiment used a liquid deuterium target associated with a neutron detector, a magnetic spectrometer and a system of veto counters which rejected the inelastic events. It was performed in a low energy K/sup -/ beam at the CERN PS. From the analysis of the K /sup -/d to K/sup -/np reactions wher...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Baillon, Paul, Bricman, C, Déclais, Y, Duchon, J, Ferro-Luzzi, M, Louvel, M, Patry, J P, Perreau, J M, Séguinot, Jacques, Ypsilantis, Thomas
Publicado: 1976
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